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Underground Septic Tanks

Protank Underground Septic Tanks

Protank offers the best polyethylene plastic below ground storage tanks available today. We offer below ground septic tanks ranging from 200 to 1500 gallons. Our plastic septic tank are designed for durability and quick, easy installation. Since our plastic septic tanks are made out of polyethylene, they are unaffected by soil chemicals and by the chemicals and gases present in sewage, so our plastic septic tanks will not rust or corrode. We offer our septic tanks in either single or double compartments. We also offer our septic tanks pre-plumbed, Pre-plumbed according to state code * Accepts 4″ effluent filters PRE-PLUMBED: tanks are shipped to you ready for installation. Our pre-plumbed tanks include tee assemblies installed at the inlet and outlet. Tees are sized/cut according to each state code so the tank that you receive will be ready for installation. We also offer manway extensions for all of our plastic septic tanks. If you need help picking the right septic tank for you, our sales staff will gladly help you.

Our staff offers drawings and specifications of all of our polyethylene plastic tanks.

Name Length Width Height Size Compartments Part
200 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 47" 47" 56" 47 L
47 W
56 H
1 PUN200
225 Gallon Florida Approved Septic Pump Tank 47" 47" 56" 47 L
47 W
56 H
1 PUN225-FL
300 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 48.5" 48.5" 53" 48.5 L
48.5 W
53 H
1 PUS300
300 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 48.5" 48.5" 53" 48.5 L
48.5 W
53 H
1 PUS300
300 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 54" 54" 56" 54 L
54 W
56 H
1 PUA300
300 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 54" 54" 54" 54 L
54 W
54 H
1 PUN300
300 Gallon Florida Approved Septic Pump Tank 54" 54" 54" 54 L
54 W
54 H
1 PUN300-FL
500 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 97" 48" 42" 97 L
48 W
42 H
1 LSN500
500 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 60" 60" 63" 60 L
60 W
63 H
1 PUS500
500 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 60" 60" 63" 60 L
60 W
63 H
1 PUS500
500 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 63" 63" 74" 63 L
63 W
74 H
1 PUA500
500 Gallon Plastic Septic Pump Tank 64" 64" 67" 64 L
64 W
67 H
1 PUN500
500 Gallon Ribbed Plastic Septic Tank 88" 48" 43" 88 L
48 W
43 H
1 SES500
500 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 101" 51" 47" 101 L
51 W
47 H
1 SEN500-1
525 Gallon Florida Approved Septic Pump Tank 64" 64" 67" 64 L
64 W
67 H
1 PUN525-FL
750 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 70" 60" 60" 70 L
60 W
60 H
1 SEA750-1
750 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 96" 52" 62" 96 L
52 W
62 H
1 SEN750-1
750 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 96" 48" 63" 96 L
48 W
63 H
1 SEN750-2
750 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 92" 60" 51" 92 L
60 W
51 H
No LSN750
900 Gallon Florida Approved Low Profile Septic Tank 117" 60" 51" 117 L
60 W
51 H
2 LSN900-FL
1000 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 101" 60" 60" 101 L
60 W
60 H
1 SEA1000-1
1000 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 101" 60" 60" 101 L
60 W
60 H
2 SEA1000-2
1000 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 101" 52" 71" 101 L
52 W
71 H
1 SEN1000-1
1000 Gallon Underground Holding Tank 101" 52" 71" 101 L
52 W
71 H
No PT-BRNO1000
1000 Gallon Underground Holding Tank 102" 60" 63" 102 L
60 W
63 H
No BRN1000-2
1000 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 127" 60" 51" 127 L
60 W
51 H
No LSN1000
1000 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 102" 60" 63" 102 L
60 W
63 H
No SEN1000-2
1000 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 121" 72" 58" 121 L
72 W
58 H
No LSA1000
1050 Gallon Florida Approved Low Profile Septic Tank 127" 60" 51" 127 L
60 W
51 H
2 LSN1050-FL
1250 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 118" 58" 72" 118 L
58 W
72 H
1 SEA1250-1
1250 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 118" 58" 72" 118 L
58 W
72 H
2 SEA1250-2
1250 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 157" 60" 51" 157 L
60 W
51 H
No LSN1250
1250 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 116" 55" 70" 116 L
55 W
70 H
No SEN1250-2
1250 Gallon Underground Holding Tank 116" 55" 70" 116 L
55 W
70 H
No BRN1250
1250 Gallon Florida Approved Low Profile Septic Tank 157" 60" 51" 157 L
60 W
51 H
2 LSN1250-FL
1250 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 137" 72" 58" 137 L
72 W
58 H
No LSA1250
1500 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 137" 58" 72" 137 L
58 W
72 H
1 SEA1500-1
1500 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 137" 58" 72" 137 L
58 W
72 H
2 SEA1500-2
1500 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 157" 69" 51" 157 L
69 W
51 H
No LSN1500
1500 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 135" 55" 70" 135 L
55 W
70 H
No SEN1500-2
1500 Gallon Ribbed Plastic Septic Tank 140" 64" 62" 140 L
64 W
62 H
No SES1500
1500 Gallon Underground Holding Tank 135" 55" 70" 135 L
55 W
70 H
No BRN1500
1500 Gallon Pre-Plumbed Ribbed Plastic Septic Tank 140" 64" 62" 140 L
64 W
62 H
No SES1500-P
1500 Gallon Florida Approved Low Profile Septic Tank 157" 69" 51" 157 L
69 W
51 H
2 LSN1500-FL
1500 Gallon Low Profile Plastic Septic Tank 153" 72" 58" 153 L
72 W
58 H
No LSA1500
2000 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 126" 98" 51" 126 L
98 W
51 H
1 SEN2000
2000 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 126" 98" 51" 126 L
98 W
51 H
1 SEN2000
2500 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 159" 99" 51" 159 L
99 W
51 H
1 SEN2500
2600 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 155" 99" 51" 155 L
99 W
51 H
1 SEN2600
2650 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 155" 99" 81" 155 L
99 W
81 H
1 SEN2650
3525 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 211" 102" 51" 211 L
102 W
51 H
1 SEN3525
5025 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 211" 102" 96" 211 L
102 W
96 H
1 SEN5025
10000 Gallon Plastic Septic Tank 356" 101" 107" 356 L
101 W
107 H
2 SEN10000